



(a) 供項目啟動會議材料之用






(b) 供宣傳備忘錄之用






(a) 啟動會議的簡報材料及(b)宣傳備忘錄的附文(英文版本):

(a) For kick-off meeting materials:

Restriction on disclosure of material information to analysts

Paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission imposes restrictions on the disclosure or provision to any investment research analyst of any material information, including forward-looking information (whether quantitative or qualitative) which is not reasonably expected to be contained in a prospectus and is not publicly available.

To avoid the risk of liability, the directors and senior management of the Company must ensure that no material information about the Company or its securities is provided to any investment research analyst, unless the information is reasonably expected to be included in the prospectus or is publicly available. When assessing whether any such information is「material」information, the test that should be applied is whether the information is material to an investor in forming a valid and justifiable opinion of the Company and its financial condition and profitability.

This restriction covers any information provided to an analyst, directly or indirectly, formally or informally, and in writing or verbally. It covers all communications in a meeting, during a presentation, site visit or interview, or in any other context. Any such information may give rise to serious legal and regulatory implications. Care must be taken that no such information is communicated unless it is reasonably expected to be in the prospectus or is publicly available.

Attached please find a memorandum setting out the responsibilities of IPO issuers under the regulatory requirements. Training sessions for the Company’ s appropriate personnel will be provided in due course to facilitate compliance with the applicable rules.

(b) For publicity memorandum:

Restriction on disclosure of material information to analysts

Paragraph 16 of the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission imposes restrictions on the disclosure or provision to any investment research analyst of any material information, including forward-looking information (whether qualitative or quantitative) concerning the Company that is not reasonably expected to be included in the prospectus or publicly available.

To avoid the risk of liability, the directors and senior management of the Company must ensure that no material information about the Company or its securities is provided to any investment research analyst, unless the information is reasonably expected to be included in the prospectus or is publicly available. When assessing whether any such information is「material」information, the test that should be applied is whether the information is material to an investor in forming a valid and justifiable opinion of the Company and its financial condition and profitability.

This restriction covers any information provided to an analyst, directly or indirectly, formally or informally, and in writing or verbally. It covers all communications in a meeting, during a presentation, site visit or interview, or in any other context. Any such information may give rise to serious legal and regulatory implications. Care must be taken that no such information is communicated unless it is reasonably expected to be in the prospectus or is publicly available.

The Company is strongly advised to seek the guidance and assistance of [names of the sponsor and both teams of Hong Kong legal advisers] where there is any intention or risk of material non-public information being released or disclosed to an investment or research analyst.


HKCFEF Limited 及撰文律師行、會計師及保薦人並非透過本《盡職審查指引》提供法律、財務或專業意見或服務,亦不應予以依賴作此用途。本《盡職審查指引》不應用作任何決定、行動或不予行動的唯一依據,亦不擬替代合資格專業人士意見。請點擊這裡以查看使用條款




香港保薦人 盡職審查指引

盡職審查指引 第30.5章

增補附件3: 啟動會議的 簡報 材料

增補附件3: 香港宣傳備忘錄的建議附文 簡報 材料

向分析員提供資料 簡報



